

Australian Medical Angels PS Pty Ltd (ACN 663 576 654) acts as a Corporate Authorised Representative Number: 001301024 of GXE Fund Services Ltd (ACN 162 966 609). GXE Fund Services Ltd is the holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence Number: 460870.

The material on this website is for information purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell any financial products

The information is directed and available to residents of Australia only deemed to be Wholesale Clients under section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001.

This information is intended to be general in nature and is not personal financial product advice. Any advice contained on this site is general advice only and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of the information provided and the nature of the relevant financial product having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. You should seek independent financial advice and read the relevant disclosure statements before making an investment decision (including a decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold) about a financial product.

Privacy Statement

Australian Medical Angels Pty Ltd (“we”, “our”, “us”) is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your information in compliance with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”) and the Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”). By accessing or using our services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

A copy of the APPs may be obtained from the website of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at

  1. Collection of Personal Information
    We collect personal information to provide our services effectively and comply with our legal obligations. The types of personal information we may collect include, but are not limited to:
    • Name, contact details (such as email address, phone number, and postal address)
    • Date of birth
    • Financial information (including bank account details, financial statements)
    • Employment and professional information (employment history, professional qualifications, business affiliations)
    • Investment Information (including preferences, risk tolerance, investment history, portfolio details)
    • Business information (including pitch decks, business plans and models, company registration details, shareholder information, intellectual property details)
    • Operational information (key contracts and agreements, employee information, vendor and customer lists, product or service details)
    • Legal and compliance (legal agreements and contracts, regulatory compliance documentation, litigation history)
    • Market information (market research and analysis, competitive landscape, customer feedback and testimonials)

  2. Methods of Collection
    We collect personal information through various methods, including:
    • Direct interactions: You may provide information to us by filling out forms, communicating with us by phone, email, or in person.
    • Online interactions: When you visit our website, use our online services, or interact with us on social media.
    • Third parties: We may collect information from third parties such as financial institutions, and other relevant entities with your consent.

  3. Use of Personal Information
    We use your personal information for the following purposes:
    • To provide and manage our services
    • To communicate with you and respond to your inquiries
    • To process transactions and manage our financial records
    • To comply with legal and regulatory obligations
    • To improve our services and develop new offerings
    • To conduct marketing and promotional activities with your consent

  4. Disclosure of Personal Information
    We may disclose your personal information to:
    • Our employees, contractors, and agents, as necessary to provide our services
    • Third-party service providers who assist us in operating our business and providing our services
    • Regulatory bodies, government agencies, and law enforcement authorities as required by law
    • Other third parties with your consent or as otherwise permitted by law

  5. Data Security
    We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal information against unauthorised access, misuse, loss, or alteration. These measures include:
    • Secure storage and encryption of electronic data
    • Access controls and authentication procedures
    • Regular security assessments and updates

  6. Note that the Personal Information you supply will be stored in client files which will be kept by us for a minimum of 7 years.

    While we are committed to security, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that is transmitted to or by us over the Internet. The transmission and exchange of information is carried out at your own risk.

  7. Access and Correction
    You have the right to access and correct your personal information held by us. If you wish to access or update your information, please contact us using the details provided below. We will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe and in accordance with the Privacy Act.

  8. Complaints and Inquiries
    If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about our handling of your personal information, please contact us at:
    Australian Medical Angels:
    We will investigate your complaint and respond to you within a reasonable timeframe. If you are not satisfied with our response, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) at

  9. Changes to this Privacy Policy
    We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices, legal obligations, or other factors. The latest version of this Privacy Policy will be available on our website. Your continued use of our services after any changes indicates your acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy.

  10. Consent
    By providing your personal information to us, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure, and storage of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Effective Date: This Privacy Policy was reviewed and is effective as of 1 January 2024.