Medical Angels

Cultivating Healthcare Innovation Excellence

The Medical Angels’ Founders Club is an elite ecosystem designed to nurture and accelerate the most promising healthcare startups in Australia. This exclusive community brings together visionary entrepreneurs, seasoned mentors, and industry leaders to foster innovation, collaboration, and growth in the healthcare sector.

Membership Criteria
Our carefully curated membership includes:
  • Graduates of CICA Lab, our intensive startup accelerator program
  • Founders of companies within the Medical Angels investment portfolio
  • Select innovators from our extensive network of healthcare and technology leaders

Join the Vanguard of Healthcare Innovation

Membership in the Medical Angels’ Founders Club isn’t just about networking—it’s about joining a movement to transform healthcare through technology and innovation. Together, we’re building the future of medicine, one startup at a time.


Unparalleled benefits

  1. Networking Opportunities
    • Exclusive access to high-profile industry events and roundtables
    • Regular meetups with fellow healthcare innovators and potential collaborators
    • Annual Founders Retreat for deep networking and strategy sessions (coming soon)

  2. Knowledge Exchange
    • Masterclasses led by successful healthcare entrepreneurs and industry experts
    • Peer-to-peer learning sessions to share insights and overcome common challenges
    • Access to the latest healthcare market research and technology trends

  3. Strategic Support
    • One-on-one mentoring sessions with experienced healthcare executives
    • Tailored workshops on fundraising, regulatory navigation, and scaling strategies
    • Priority access to Medical Angels’ network of clinical partners for pilots and validations

  4. Resource Hub
    • Members-only online platform for collaboration and resource sharing
    • Curated content library including pitch decks, financial models, and legal templates
    • Job board for talent acquisition and partnership opportunities

  5. Investor Access
    • Showcase opportunities at Medical Angels’ investor demo days
    • Introductions to our network of healthcare-focused VCs and angel investors
    • Guidance on preparing for subsequent funding rounds