Female Founders

Bridging the Gender Gap in Healthcare Innovation

The statistics are stark and undeniable: Female founders receive a mere 2-6% of venture capital investment globally. Even in femtech, where women lead 70% of startups, male-founded companies continue to secure disproportionately larger funding rounds. This systemic imbalance isn’t just a numbers game—it’s a missed opportunity for groundbreaking innovation and diverse perspectives in healthcare.

At Medical Angels, we’re committed to rewriting this narrative. We recognise that diversity drives innovation, and we’re actively working to level the playing field for female entrepreneurs in healthcare.

Empowering Women in Healthcare Innovation: The Women of CICA Initiative

As part of our commitment to fostering inclusive innovation, we’ve launched the Women of CICA founders group within our Education division. This dynamic community is designed to address the unique challenges faced by female founders in healthcare and technology.

Key features of the Women of CICA program include:

  1. Inspirational Speaker Series: Regular virtual sessions featuring trailblazing women in healthcare, technology, and venture capital.
  2. Peer Support Network: A safe space for members to share experiences, insights, and strategies for success.
  3. Tailored Mentorship: Connecting emerging female founders with experienced leaders in their fields.
  4. Skill-building Workshops: Focused sessions on pitching, financial modelling, and navigating the VC landscape.
  5. Showcase Opportunities: Platforms for members to present their innovations to our network of investors.

By nurturing this community, we aim to not only increase the representation of female founders in our portfolio but also to catalyse a broader shift in the healthcare innovation ecosystem.

Join us in our mission to unleash the full potential of female-led innovation in healthcare. Together, we can create a more equitable, diverse, and dynamic future for medical technology and patient care.